6. 大作业-创建一个交通标志分类器
本文最后更新于 2023年10月20日 上午
Traffic Sign Recognition
Traffic-sign recognition (TSR) is a technology by which a vehicle is
able to recognize the traffic signs put on the road e.g. "speed limit"
or "children" or "turn ahead". This is a very important technology in
self-driving cars.
This project will give you the chance to train different models using
various features to classify traffic signs.
The project is divided into 3 difficulty levels. Beginner, Expert and
## Beginner Level
For this level we use the Chinese Traffic Sign Database (Traffic Sign
Recogntion Database (ia.ac.cn)). This is available as a zip file in your
project folder under the name “Dataset_1.zip”. This dataset consists of
5998 images belonging to 58 classes. Each image is named “XXX_yyyy.png”.
Here XXX represent the class (traffic sign type) and yyyy represents the
image number within each class. For the beginner level, we make use of
the “starter.py” code, which you can find in the project directory.
Follow along with the tasks and fill in the blanks of the given code to
complete beginner level. Follow the tasks with “starter.py” and fill in
the missing code for each section. ### T1: Reading images. - Change the
dataset_path to point to the unzipped Dataset_1/images folder in your
computer. - The given loop will go through all the files in the folder,
variable i gives each file name. - Complete the code to read the images
and append them to list X - The labels for each image has been already
appended to list y for you At the end of T1, you should have X, y with
5998 entries on each. ### T2: Pre-processing images. - Given loop will
go through all images in X and resize them to 48x48 pixels. - Complete
the code to convert the images to grayscale. (Hint: use the cvtColor
function in opencv) - Complete the code to append the pre-processed
images to X_processed list. At the end of T2, you should have
X_processed with 5998 entires of resized and grayscale images. T3:
Calculating Features and Splitting train/test sets. - Install skimage
using anaconda. (you can follow the same instructions given for
installing sklearn with the package name “scikit-image”) - The given
code will use skimage and extract hog features for you. - Write code to
split X_features and y into training and testing sets. Make use of the
“sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split” to do this. Use a 80-20 split
and make sure to shuffle the samples. At the end of T3, you should have
x_train, x_test, y_train and y_test. Training sets should have 4798
samples and the test sets should have 1200 samples. T4: Training and
testing the classifier. - Use the sklearn SVM package to train a
classifier using x_train and y_train. - Use the x_test and y_test to
evaluate the classifier and print the accuracy value. ## Expert Level:
We will build upon the beginner level code to try out different
techniques and improve our model. The same dataset will be used here.
Complete the following tasks, ### T1: Different pre-processing
techniques What are other pre-processing steps you can use? Examples:
Keep 3 channels (RGB), add a gaussian blur to reduce noise, etc. Try few
other pre-processing techniques and evaluate how they affect accuracy
### T2: Different features What are other feature extraction methods you
can use? Explore some other feature extraction methods given in skimage
(Module: feature — skimage v0.19.0.dev0 docs (scikit-image.org)) Try few
other feature extraction methods and evaluate how they affect accuracy,
you can also try different packages here (no need to stick with skimage)
### T3: Different Classification Models What are other classification
models you can use? Try other classifiers including but not limited to;
RandomForrest, kNN and Decision Tree. For each classifier, change
parameters and evaluate how the parameters affect accuracy. ## Bonus
Level This level is for you to apply what you learned to a more
challenging dataset from scratch. The dataset is, German Traffic Sign
Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) (German Traffic Sign Benchmarks (rub.de)).
This is available in the “Dataset_2.zip” file. This dataset is already
split into training and testing sets for you. ### Task Write a python
program to load the images from this dataset, into X, y. Then do
suitable preprocessing, feature extraction and model training to develop
a Traffic Sign Recognition system. Report on the methods used and the
results obtained by your Traffic Sign Recognition system.
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