3. 课后练习-图像处理 img{ width: 40%; padding-left: 10%; } 课后练习2 Required libs:Numpy PIL Scipy Matplotlib cv2 ## Q1. Write a python script to open the “lena.png” file using opencv. - Display the opened 2021-01-26 Machine Learning-NUS 2021 > 课后练习
2. 数学方法 数学方法 矩阵的运算 矩阵的乘法 矩阵的乘法规则:前一矩阵的行乘后一矩阵的纵列若A是一个\(m \times n\)的矩阵,B是一个\(a \times b\)的矩阵,那么矩阵乘法\(A \times B\)的结果将会是一个\(n \times a\)的矩阵 要注意\(A × B=0 ⇏A=0 ~or~ B=0\) \(AB \not ={} BA\),但是\((AB)C=A(BC) 2021-01-25 Machine Learning-NUS 2021 > 讲义
1. 机器学习简介和Python的基本操作 机器学习简介和Python的基本操作 Before the course... Software and environment: Anaconda and Opencv Ultimate Project: Traffic Sign Recognition There's a individual Quiz on lecture 5 人工智能的产生 lines of c 2021-01-23 Machine Learning-NUS 2021 > 讲义
1. 课后练习-机器学习简介和Python的基本操作 课后练习1 Solve the questions below by writing a Python function or script. Q1. Add up the numbers from 100 to 200 and output their sum, using while and for loops. for loop: 1234total = 0for i in ra 2021-01-23 Machine Learning-NUS 2021 > 课后练习
0. 课程简介 课程简介 课程:NUS2021: OTH927 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (新加坡国立大学 2021 对外交流项目) 授课教师:Dr. Terence Sim (tsim@comp.nus.edu.sg) / Sanka Rasnayaka(Assistant) /Karen Boh(Assistant) 本课程分为两 2021-01-22 Machine Learning-NUS 2021 > 讲义